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HMZ Flagship Project STRESS


Second Annual Symposium

After another year of fruitful collaborations, the consortium members of the "STRESS" project gathered at the Brain Research Institute (Campus Irchel). The Annual Symposium kicked off with a keynote lecture on resilience by Prof. Dr. Raffael Kalisch (picture), which was open to the public and attended by a large audience.

Following the keynote, the STRESS members presented project updates and discussed priorities and next steps for the coming months. Finally, the program also included flash presentations, giving a platform to the young investigators of the consortium to present their study results.


Keynote lecture by Raffael Kalisch to kick off the 2nd Annual Symposium of the HMZ Flagship Project STRESS on May 15th 2024.


Discussion of project updates and future plans for the STRESS project.

Celebrating the first anniversary – reflecting on achievements and future directions

In honor of the 1st anniversary of the University Medicine Zurich (HMZ) flagship project “STRESS”, the consortium hosted the 5th annual meeting of the Swiss Stress Network on May 9, 2023. The program included talks from new members, data-blitz presentations by junior researchers, a speed-networking session and a general update of the HMZ STRESS project. On May 10th, 2023, the consortium partners additionally convened during the 1st Annual Symposium to present and discuss the individual projects’ progress and to identify future opportunities to continue to pursue new avenues of stress research.


Stress affects millions of people worldwide and remains a serious public health problem with long-term impacts on physical and mental health. Its prevalence has increased dramatically in the past decades, and recently peaked due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Diagnosing and treating stress-induced diseases continue to pose a challenge, and people at risk are often overlooked. The HMZ Flagship Project STRESS aims to develop novel tools for diagnostics and intervention. Particularly, the establishment of biomarkers predicting mental and physical symptoms of stress, and markers revealing traits of resilience, will allow individuals at risk to be identified and interventions to be tailored.


The Annual Symposium was kicked off with an exciting lecture by Carmen Sandi, professor of neuroscience and director of the Laboratory of Behavioral Genetics at the Brain Mind Institute at EPFL, Switzerland. The project updates and ensuing discussions demonstrated the added value of combining fundamental and clinical research in humans and animals, and how these can inform each other to gain deeper insights into the stress response and resilience to stress. To maximize the networking opportunity of the event, the young researchers engaged in a fun jam session intended to brainstorm their research, identify synergies and initiate regular networking events going forward.

1st annual symposium keynote

Keynote lecture by Carmen Sandi to kick off the 1st Annual Symposium of the HMZ Flagship Project STRESS on May 10th 2023.

annual symp young investigators.jpeg

HMZ STRESS project update, presented by Isabelle Mansuy during the 5th annual meeting on May 9th 2023.

Young Investigator Jam Session at the 1st Annual Symposium of the HMZ Flagship Project STRESS on May 10th 2023.

Kick-Off Event

Hochschulmedezin Zürich's new Flagship Project "STRESS" officially started in May 2022. At the kick-off event on May 2nd, participants of the consortium met at the Psychiatric University Hospital urich to get to know each other personally, present their projects and initiate collaborations. 

stress kickoff at PUK

Members of the STRESS project during the kick-off event on may 2nd 2023. 

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