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Dimitriu MA, Arzate-Mejia RG, Steg LC, Germain P-L and Mansuy IM (2024). NanoTag - an IgG-free method for mapping DNA-protein interactions​. bioRxiv.

Jawaid A, Kunzi M, Mansoor M, Khan ZY, Abid A, Taha M, Rigotti S, Thumfart K, Faisal S, Chughtai O and Mansuy IM (2020). Distinct microRNA signature in human serum and germline after childhood trauma. medRxiv.


van Houtum LAEM, Baaré WFC, Beckmann CF, Castro-Fornieles J, Cecil CAM, Dittrich J, Ebdrup BH, Fegert JM, Havdahl A, Hillegers MHJ, Kalisch R, Kushner SA, Mansuy IM, et al. (2024). Running in the FAMILY: understanding and predicting the intergenerational transmission of mental illness. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry

Otaru N, Kourouma L, Pugin B, Constancias F, Braegger C, Mansuy IM and Lacroix C (2024). ​Transgenerational effects of early life stress on the fecal microbiota in mice. Commun Biol 7:670. 

Jaric I, Voelk B, Arein I, Wolfer DP, Noval J, Detotto C, Weber-Stadlbauer U, Meyer U, Manuella F, Mansuy IM and Würbel H (2024). Using mice from different breeding sites fails to improve replicability of results from single-laboratory studies. Lab Animal 53:18-22. 

Steg LC, Jaspers E, Alshanbayeva A, Arzate-Meija RG, Dimitriu MA, Gapp K, Kourouma LM, Uzel K and Mansuy IM (2024). Research Highlight. Symposium Summary. Epigenetic inheritance: Impact for biology and society. Environ. Epigen. 10(1):dvae002.


Arzate-Mejia RG, Carullo N and Mansuy IM (2023). The epigenome under pressure: On regulatory adaptation to chronic stress in the brain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 84:102832. 

Lazar-Contes, I., Tanwar, KT, Arzate-Mejia RG, Steg LC, Ulrich Feudjio O, Crespo M, Germain P-L and Mansuy IM (2023). Dynamics of transcriptional programs and chromatin accessibility in mouse spermatogonial cells from early postnatal to adult life. eLife. 12:RP91528.

Dalpé G, Huerne K, Dupras C, Cheung K, Palmour N, Winkler E, Alex K, Mehlman M, Holloway JW, Bunnik E, König H, Mansuy IM, Rots MG, Erwin C, Erler A, Libertini E and Joly Y (2023). Defusing the legal and ethical minefield of epigenetic applications in the military, defence and security contex. J. Law & Biosci. J. 10(2): lsad034

LaPlante EL, Stürchler A, Fullem R, Chen D, Starner AC, Esquivel E, Alsop E, Jackson AR, Ghiran I, Pereira G, Rozowsky J, Chang J, Gerstein MB, Alexander RP, Roth ME, Franklin JL, Coffey RJ, Raffai RL, Mansuy IM, Stavrakis S, deMello AJ, Laurent LC, Wang Y-T, Tsai C-F, Liu T, Jones J, Van Keuren-Jensen K, Van Nostrand E, Mateescu B and Milosavljevic A (2023). exRNA-eCLIP intersection analysis reveals a map of extracellular RNA binding proteins and associated RNAs across major human biofluids and carriers. Cell Genomics 20;3(5):100303.

Ibañez V, Bohlen L, Manuella F, Mansuy IM, Helmchen F and Wahl AS (2023). EXPLORE: A novel deep learning-based analysis method for exploration behaviour in object recognition tests. Sci. Rep. 13,4249

Arzate-Mejia RG and Mansuy IM (2023). Remembering through the genome: the role of chromatin states in brain functions and diseases. Transl. Psychiatry 13, 122.

Thumfart KM and Mansuy IM (2023). What are Sertoli cells? Historical, methodological, and functional aspects. Andrology 11:849–859.

Calestrémé N, Janssen T, Ostermann G, Mansuy IM and Besson J (2023). Se donner toutes les chances. Eds Albin Michel. 8 March 2023. ISBN10:2226480544. Book


Boscardin C, Manuella F and Mansuy IM (2022). Paternal transmission of behavioural and metabolic traits induced by postnatal stress to the 5th generation in mice. Env. Epigen. Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022, dvac024

Mansuy IM (2022). La transmission épigénétique des traumatismes. In Accompagner les victimes de traumatismes. Les Cahiers Dynamiques. Nr 80. 2022/2. Editions Erès. ISBN 9782749270678. Book

Thumfart K, Lazzeri S, Manuella F and Mansuy IM (2022). Long-term effects of early postnatal stress on Sertoli cells functions. Front. Genet. 13:1024805.

Thumfart K, Jawaid A, Bright K, Flachsmann M and Mansuy IM (2022). Epigenetics of childhood trauma: Long-term sequelae and potential for treatment. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 132:1049-66.

Dimitriu M, Lazar-Contes I, Roszkowski M and Mansuy IM (2022). Single-cell multiomics techniques: from conception to applications. Front. Cell. Dev. Biol. 10:854317.

Arzate-Mejía RG and Mansuy IM (2022). Epigenetic Inheritance: Impact for Biology and Society-recent progress, current questions and future challenges. Environ Epigenet. 8(1): dvac021. 


Roszkowski M and Mansuy IM (2021). High efficiency RNA extraction from sperm cells using guanidinium thiocyanate supplemented with tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine. Front. Cell. Dev. Biol. 9:648274

Jawaid A and Mansuy IM (2021). Transmission of the effects of trauma across generations: Biological mechanisms and implications for individuals and the society. Neuroscience and PeaceBuilding, United States Institute of Peace.

Mariani N, et al. (2021). Identifying causative mechanisms linking early-life stress to psycho-cardio-metabolic multi-morbidity: The EarlyCause project. PLoS One 16(1):e0245475.

Grandjean J, Corcoba A, Kahn MC, Upton AL, Deneris ES, Seifritz E, Helmchen F, Mansuy IM, Mann EO, Rudin M and Saab BJ (2021). A brain-wide functional map of the serotonergic responses to acute stress and fluoxetine. Nat. Commun. 12:1168-77.


van Steenwyk G, Gapp K, Jawaid A, Germain P-L, Manuella F, Tanwar DT, Zamboni N, Gaur N, Thumfart K, Efimova A, Miska EA and Mansuy IM (2020). Involvement of circulating factors in the transmission of paternal experiences through the germline. EMBO J. e104579.

Gapp K, van Steenwyk G, Germain P-L, Matsushima W, Rudolph K, Manuella F, Roszkowski M, Vernaz G, Gosh T, Pelczar P, Mansuy IM* and Miska EA* (2020). Alterations in sperm long RNA contribute to the epigenetic inheritance of the effects of postnatal trauma. Mol. Psych.  25:2162-74.

Würtz-Kozak K, Roszkowski M, Cambria E, Block A, Kuhn GA, Abele T, Hitzl W, Driesslein D, Müller R, Rapp MA, Mansuy IM, Peters EMJ and Wippert PM (2020). Effects of early life stress on bone homeostasis in mice and humans. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21:6634-40.

Arzate-Mejía RG, Lottenbach Z, Schindler V, Jawaid A and Mansuy IM (2020). Long term impact of social isolation and molecular underpinnings. Front. Genet. 11:589621.

Jawaid A, Jehle K and Mansuy IM (2020). Impact of parental exposure on offspring health in humans. Trends in Genet.

Engmann O and Mansuy IM (2020). Stress and its effects across generations. Stress Resilience: Molecular and Behavioral Aspects. Edited by Alon Chen. San Diego: Elsevier Inc./Academic Press. pp269-283.

van Steenwyk G and Mansuy IM (2020). Epigenetics and the impact of early life stress across generations. Nutritional Epigenomics. Handbook of Stress: Stress, Genetics, Epigenetics, Genomics. Volume 4. Elsevier. Edited by George Fink. 1st Edition. October 22 2020. ISBN: 9780128131565 Book

Mansuy IM, Gurret JM and Lelief A (2020) “Wir können unsere Gene steuern”. Berlin Verlag. August 31 2020. ISBN-10 : 3827014115 Book.

Lazar-Contes I, Roszkowski M, Tanwar DK and Mansuy IM (2019). Symposium summary: Epigenetic inheritance–impact for biology and society 26–28 August 2019, Zurich, Switzerland. Environ Epigenet 6(1):dvaa004.


Jawaid A, Woldemichael BT, Kremer EA, Laferriere F, Gaur N, Afroz T, Polymenidou M and Mansuy IM (2019). Memory decline and its reversal in aging and neurodegeneration involve miR-183/96/182 biogenesis. Mol Neurobiol. 56:3451-3462. 

Jawaid A and Mansuy IM (2019). Inter and transgenerational inheritance of behavioral phenotypes. Curr Opin Behavioral Sci. 25:96-101.

van Steenwyk G, Jawaid A and Mansuy IM (2019). Epigenetic inheritance of metabolic signals. Nutritional Epigenomics 11:167-190. 

Wippert PM, Block A, Mansuy IM, Peters EMJ, Rose M, Rapp MA, Huppertz A and Wuertz-Kozak K (2019). Alterations in bone homeostasis and microstructure related to depression and allostatic load. Psychotherapy Psychosomatics. 88:383-85.

Maciel E and Mansuy IM (2019). Extracellular vesicles and their miRNA cargo: A means of communication between soma and germline in the mammalian reproductive system. Chimia, 73:356-61.

Mansuy IM, Gurret JM and Lelief A (2019). Reprenez le contrôle de vos gènes: Améliorez votre vie et celles de vos descendant avec l'épigénétique. Editions Larousse, ISBN 2035956218. Book.


Gapp K, van Steenwyk G, Germain P-L, Matsushima W, Rudolph K, Manuella F, Roszkowski M, Vernaz G, Gosh T, Pelczar P, Mansuy IM and Miska E (2018). Alterations in sperm long RNA contribute to the epigenetic inheritance of the effects of postnatal trauma. Mol Psych.

van Steenwyk G, Roszkowski M, Manuella F, Franklin T and Mansuy IM (2018). Transgenerational inheritance of behavioral and metabolic effects of paternal exposure to traumatic stress in early postnatal life: Evidence in the 4th generation. Environ Epigenet. 4:023. 

von Ziegler L, Selevsek N, Tweedie-Cullen RY, Kremer EA and Mansuy IM (2018). Subregion-specific proteomic signature in the hippocampus for recognition processes in adult mice. Cell Reports 22:3362-3374. 

Kremer EA, Gaur N, Lee MA, Engmann O, Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2018). Interplay between TETs and microRNAs in the adult brain for memory formation. Scientific Reports 8:1678.

Bohacek J, Weber-Stadlbauer U and Mansuy IM (2018). Paternal experience impacts cognitive function in offspring: a pre-existing concept. Mol Psychiatr. 23:794-795.

Jawaid A, Roszkowski M and Mansuy IM (2018). Chapter Twelve: Transgenerational epigenetics of traumatic stress. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 158:273-298.

Bohacek J, Engmann O, Germain PL, Schelbert S and Mansuy IM (2018). Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: from biology to society-Summary Latsis Symposium Aug 28-30, 2017, Zürich, Switzerland. Environ Epigenet. 4:12. 

Mansuy IM (2018). Meeting Announcement: 2nd Symposium ‘Epigenetic Inheritance: Impact for Biology and Society’ 26–28 August 2019, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.  Environ Epigenet. 4.


Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2017). A guide to designing germline-dependent epigenetic inheritance experiments in mammals. Nat Methods 14:243-249.

Razoux F, Russig R, Baltes C, Mueggler T, Dikaiou K, Rudin M and Mansuy IM (2017). Transgenerational disruption of functional 5-HT1AR-induced connectivity in the adult mouse brain by traumatic stress in early life. Mol Psychiatr. 22:519-526.

Woldemichael BT and Mansuy IM (2017). The epigenetics basis of memory. Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference. 2nd Edition. Edited by John H. Byrne. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128051597.

Jawaid A, Kremer E and Mansuy IM (2017). Epigenetics of brain disorders. Handbook of Epigenetics. The New Molecular and Medical Genetics. 2nd Edition. Edited by Trygve Tollefsbol. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128053881.

Weber-Stadlbauer U, Richetto J, Labouesse MA, Bohacek J, Mansuy IM and Meyer U (2017). Transgenerational transmission and modification of pathological traits induced by prenatal immune activation. Mol Psychiatr. 22:102–112.

Gapp K, Corcoba A, van Steenwyk G, Mansuy, IM and Duarte JM (2017). Brain metabolic alterations in mice subjected to postnatal traumatic stress and in their offspring. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 37:2423-2432.

Engmann O, Labonté B, Mitchell A, Bashtrykov P, Calipari ES, Rosenbluh C, Loh YE, Walker DM, Burek D, Hamilton PJ, Issler O, Neve RL, Turecki G, Hurd Y, Chess A, Shen L, Mansuy IM, Jeltsch A, Akbarian S and Nestler EJ (2017). Cocaine-induced chromatin modifications associate with increased expression and three-dimensional looping of Auts2. Biol Psych. 82:794-805.

Mansuy IM and Salthun-Lassalle B (2017). La vie in utéro rend parfois violent. Cerveau & Psycho. 91:12-13.


Woldemichael BT, Jawaid A, Kremer EA, Gaur N, Krol J, Marchais A and Mansuy IM (2016). The microRNAs cluster miR-183/96/182 contributes to long-term memory in a protein phosphatase 1-dependent manner. Nat Commun. 7:12594.

Gapp K, Bohacek J, Grossmann J, Brunner AM, Manuella F, Nanni P and Mansuy IM (2016). Potential of environmental enrichment to prevent transgenerational effects of paternal trauma. Neuropsychopharmacol. 41:2749-58.

Bohacek J, von Werdt S and Mansuy IM (2016). Probing the germline-dependence of non-genetic inheritance using artificial insemination in mice. Environ Epigenetics, 2:15-25.

Heitz F, Farinelli M, Mohanna S, Kahn M, Duning K, Frey M, Pavenstädt H and Mansuy IM (2016). The memory gene KIBRA is a bidirectional regulator of synaptic and structural plasticity in the adult brain. Neurobiol Learn Memory 135:100-114.

Woldemichael BT and Mansuy IM (2016). Micro-RNAs in cognition and cognitive disorders: Potential for novel biomarkers and therapeutics. Biochem Pharmacol., 104:1-7.

Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2016). Epigenetic risk factors for diseases: A transgenerational perspective. In epigenetics and human health. Epigenetics and Neuroendocrinology. Edited by Spengler and Binder. Springer Pp 79-119.

Roszkowski M, Manuella F, von Ziegler L, Durán-Pacheco G, Moreau J-L, Mansuy IM and Bohacek J (2016). Rapid stress-induced transcriptiomic changes in the brain depend on betaadrenergic signaling. Neuropharmacol. 107:329-38. 

Kleine Borgmann FK, Graeff J, Mansuy IM, Toni N and Jessberger S (2016). Enhanced plasticity of mature granule cells reduces survival of newborn neurons in the adult mouse hippocampus. Matter Sel. 2(12): 201610000014.

Toth M, Flandreau EI, Deslauriers J, Geyer MA, Mansuy IM, Merlo Pich E and Risbrough VB (2016). Overexpression of forebrain CRH during early life increases trauma susceptibility in adulthood. Neuropsychopharmacol. 41:1681-90.


Bohacek J, Farinelli L, Mirante O, Steiner G, Gapp K, Coiret G, Eberling M, Durán-Pacheco G, Iniguez AL, Manuella M, Moreau JL and Mansuy IM (2015). Pathological brain plasticity and cognition in the offspring of males subjected to postnatal traumatic stress. Mol Psychiatr.

Bohacek J, Manuella F, Roszkowski M and Mansuy IM (2015). Hippocampal gene expression induced by cold swim stress depends on sex and handling. Psychoneuroendochrino.

Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2015). Molecular insights into transgenerational non-genetic inheritance of acquired behaviours. Nat Rev Genet.

Diester I, Hefti F, Mansuy IM, Pascual-Leone A, Robbins TW, Rubin LL, Sawa A, Wernig M, Dölen G, Hyman SE, Mucke L, Nikolich N andSommer B (2015). Bridging the gap between patients and models. From “Translational Neuroscience: Toward New Therapies”. Karoly Nikolich and Steven E. Hyman, eds. 2015. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 17, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge, MA: MIT press (book chapter).

Dölen G, Malenka RC, Perlmutter J, Brose N, Frackowiak R, Cuthbert BN, Diester I, Mansuy IM, Kroker KS, Boeckers TM, Pascual-Leone A and Guoping F (2015). Pathophysiological Toolkit: Genes to Circuits. From “Translational Neuroscience: Toward New Therapies”. Karoly Nikolich and Steven E. Hyman, eds. 2015. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 17, series ed. J. Lupp. Cambridge, MA: MIT press (book chapter).


Gapp K, Jawaid A, Sarkies P, Bohacek J, Pelczar P, Prados J, Farinelli L, Miska E and Mansuy IM (2014). Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice. Nature Neurosci.

Gapp K, Soldado-Magraner S, Alvarez-Sánchez M, Bohacek J, Vernaz G, Shu H, Franklin TB, Wolfer D and Mansuy IM (2014). Early life stress in fathers improves behavioural flexibility in their offspring. Nature Commun.

Brunner AM, Nanni P and Mansuy IM (2014). Epigenetic marking of sperm by post-translational modification of histones and protamines. Epigenetics Chromatin.

Heitz F, Johansson T, Baumgärtel K, Gecaj R, Pelczar P and Mansuy IM (2014). Heritable and inducible gene knockdown in astrocytes or neurons in vivo by a combined lentiviral and RNAi approach. Front Cell Neurosci.

Mirante O, Brandalise F, Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2014). Distinct molecular components for thalamic- and cortical-dependent plasticity in the lateral amygdala. Front Mol Neurosci.

Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2014). Neuroepigenetics of memory formation and impairment: The role of microRNAs. Neuropharmacology.

Gapp K, von Ziegler L, Tweedie-Cullen RY and Mansuy IM (2014). Early life epigenetic programming and transmission of stress-induced traits in mammals: How and when can environmental factors influence traits and their transgenerational inheritance? BioEssays.

Woldemichael BT, Bohacek J, Gapp K and Mansuy IM (2014). Epigenetics of memory and plasticity. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci.

Gapp K, Woldemichael BT, Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2014). Epigenetic regulation in neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroscience.

Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2014). Neurobiological disease etiology and inheritance: an epigenetic perspective. (Review) J Exp Biol.

Penke Z, Morice E, Veyrac A, Gros A, Chagneau C, LeBlanc P, Samson N, Baumgärtel K, Mansuy IM, Davis S, Laroche S (2014). Zif268/Egr1 gain of function facilitates hippocampal synaptic plasticity and long-term spatial recognition memory. Philos T Roy Soc B.

Toth M, Gresack JE, Bangasser DA, Plona Z, Valentino RJ, Flandreau EI, Mansuy IM, Merlo-Pich E, Geyer MA, Risbrough VB (2014). Forebrain-specific CRF overproduction during development is sufficient to induce enduring anxiety and startle abnormalities in adult mice. Neuropsychopharmacology.


Park CS, Rehrauer H and Mansuy IM (2013). Genome-wide analysis of H4K5 acetylation associated with fear memory in mice. BMC Genomics.

Von Ziegler L, Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2013). A simple and fast method for tissue cryohomogenization enabling multifarious molecular extraction. J Neurosci Methods.

Vizi S and Mansuy IM (2013). A cold radial maze for long-lasting spatial memory in mice. J Neurosci Methods.

Bohacek J, Gapp K, Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2013). Transgenerational epigenetic effects on brain functions. Biol Psych.

Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2013). Epigenetic inheritance of disease and disease risk. Neuropsychopharm Rev.

Mansuy IM (2013). The epigenetics of brain disorders and their inheritance – Focus on cognition. European Neuropsychopharmacol.

Franklin T and Mansuy IM (2013). The neural bases of emotions. Neurosciences, Edited by CG Galizia, PM Lledo. Springer Verlag Berlin.

Seimandi M, Seyer P, Park CS, Vandermoere F, Chanrion B, Bockaert J, Mansuy IM and Marin P (2013). Calcineurin interacts with the serotonin transporter C-terminus to modulate its plasma membrane expression and serotonin uptake. J Neurosci.

Razoux F, Baltes C, Mueggler T, Seuwen A, Russig H, Mansuy IM and Rudin M (2013). Functional MRI to assess alterations of functional networks in response to pharmacological or genetic manipulations of the serotonergic system in mice. Neuroimage.

Beil J, Mansuy IM and Buch T (2013). Chapter 1 - Conditional Gene targeting: A Refined Method for Genetic Studies in Neurosciences. NeuroMethods, Multidisciplinary Tools for Investigating Synaptic Plasticity. Springer Science.

Mansuy IM, Mashoodh R and Champagne F (2013). Chapter 13 - Transgenerational inheritance in mammals. In Epigenetic Regulation in the Nervous System. Edited by David Sweatt, Michael Meaney, Eric Nestler and Shahram Akbarian. Academic Press.


Graeff J, Woldemichael B, Berchtold D, Dewarat G and Mansuy IM (2012). Dynamic histone marks in the hippocampus and cortex facilitate memory consolidation. Nat Commun.

Farinelli M, Heitz FD, Grewe BF, Tyagarajan SK, Helmchen F and Mansuy IM (2012). Selective regulation of NR2B by protein phosphatase-1 for the control of the NMDA receptor in neuroprotection. PLoS ONE.

Tweedie-Cullen RY, Brunner AM, Grossmann J, Mohanna S, Sichau D, Nanni P, Panse C and Mansuy IM (2012). Identification of combinatorial patterns of post-translational modifications on individual histones in the mouse brain. PLoS ONE.

Franklin T, Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2012). The neural mechanisms of stress resilience and vulnerability. Neuron.

Brunner AM, Tweedie-Cullen RY and Mansuy IM (2012). Epigenetic modifications of the neuroproteome. Proteomics.

Baumgaertel K and Mansuy IM (2012). Neural functions of calcineurin in synaptic plasticity and memory. Learn Mem.

Tweedie-Cullen RY, Brunner AM and Mansuy IM (2012). Proteomic analysis of phosphorylation in the brain. Curr. Proteomics.

Franklin T and Mansuy IM (2012). Kinases and phosphatases in the epigenetic regulation of cognitive functions. Epigenomics: From chromatin biology to therapeutics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Saab BJ and Mansuy IM (2012). Epigenetics of memory: Evidence and models. Advances in Epigenetics of Lifestyle. Bentham Science Publishers. 

Bohacek J and Mansuy IM (2012). Epigenetic inheritance in mammals. Epigenetics, Brain and Behavior, Sassone-Corsi P, Christen Y, Eds. Heidelberg, Springer.

Millan MJ, et al. (2012). Cognitive dysfunction in psychiatric disorders: characteristics, causes and the quest for improved therapy. Nat Rev Drug Discov.


Weiss IC, Franklin T, Vizi S and Mansuy IM (2011). Inheritable effect of unpredictable maternal separation on behavioral responses in mice. Frontiers in Behav. Neurosci.

Koshibu K, Gräff J and Mansuy IM (2011). Nuclear protein phosphatase-1: an epigenetic regulator of fear memory and amygdala long-term potentiation. Neuroscience.

Franklin T, Linder N, Russig H, Thöny B and Mansuy IM (2011). Influence of early stress on social abilities and serotonergic function across generations in mice. PLoS One

Franklin TB and Mansuy IM (2011). The involvement of epigenetic defects in mental retardation. Neurobiol. Learn Mem. 

Mueggler T, Razoux F, Russig H, Buehler A, Franklin TB, Baltes C, Mansuy IM and Rudin M (2011). Mapping of CBV changes in 5-HT(1A) terminal fields by functional MRI in the mouse brain. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 

Schmutz I, Wendt S, Schnell A, Kramer A, Mansuy IM and Albrecht U (2011). Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is a post-translational regulator of the mammalian circadian clock. PLoS One. 

Mansuy IM and Mohanna S (2011). Epigenetics and the human brain: Where nurture meets nature. Cerebrum. The Dana Foundation. 

Tweedie-Cullen RY, Park CS and Mansuy IM (2011). Protein Phosphatases in the Brain: Regulation, Function and Disease. In: Vidal C. (eds) Post-Translational Modifications in Health and Disease. Protein Reviews, vol 13. Springer, New York.

Franklin T, Russig H, Weiss IC, Gräff J, Linder N, Michalon A, Vizi S and Mansuy IM (2010). Epigenetic Transmission of the Impact of Early Stress Across Generations. Biol. Psych.

Gräff J, Koshibu K, Jouvenceau A, Dutar P and Mansuy IM (2010). Protein phosphatase 1-dependent transcriptional programs for long-term memory and plasticity. Learning and Memory

Franklin TB and Mansuy IM (2010b). The prevalence of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of cognitive functions and behaviour. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol

Franklin TB and Mansuy IM (2010a). Epigenetic inheritance in mammals: evidence for the impact of adverse environmental effects. Neurobiol Dis

Mansuy IM, Koshibu K and Graeff J (2010). Epigenetic regulation of cognitive functions. European Neuropsychopharmacology.

Tweedie-Cullen RY and Mansuy IM (2010). Towards a better understanding of nuclear processes based on proteomics. Amino Acids.

Graeff J, Franklin T and Mansuy IM (2010). Epigénétique et mémoire. Biol. Aujourd’hui

Charrier C, Machado P, Tweedie-Cullen RY, Rutishauser D, Mansuy IM and Triller A (2010). A crosstalk between β1 and β3 integrins controls glycine receptor and gephyrin trafficking at synapses. Nature Neurosci.

Calella AM, Farinelli M, Nuvolone M, Mirante O, Moos R, Falsig J, Mansuy IM and Aguzzi A (2010). Prion protein and Abeta-related synaptic toxicity impairment. EMBO Mol Med

Lauritzen KH, Moldestad O, Eide L, Carlsen H, Nesse G, Storm J, Mansuy IM, Bergersen LH and Klungland A. (2010) Mitochondrial DNA Toxicity in Forebrain Neurons causes Apoptosis, Neurodegeneration and Impaired Behavior. Mol. Cell. Biol

Koshibu K*, Graeff J*, Beullens M, Heitz F, Berchtold D, Russig H, Farinelli M, Bollen M and Mansuy IM (2009). Protein phosphatase 1 regulates the histone code for long-term memory formation. J. Neurosci

Tweedie-Cullen RY, Reck JM and Mansuy IM (2009). Comprehensive mapping of post-translational modifications on synaptic, nuclear and histone proteins in the adult mouse brain. J. Prot. Res.

Baumgärtel K*, Tweedie-Cullen RY*, Grossmann J, Gehrig P, Livingstone-Zatchej M and Mansuy IM (2009). Changes in the proteome after neuronal Zif268 overexpression. J. Prot. Res.

Graeff J and Mansuy IM (2009). Epigenetic dysregulation in cognition disorders. Eur. J. Neurosci

Saab BJ, Georgiou J, Nath A, Lee FJS, Wang M, Michalon A, Liu F, Mansuy IM and Roder JC (2009). NCS-1 in the dentate gyrus promotes exploration, synaptic plasticity and rapid acquisition of spatial memory. Neuron

Czöndör K, Ellwanger K, Fuchs YF, Lutz S, Gulyás M, Mansuy IM, Hausser A, Pfizenmaier K and Schlett K (2009). Protein kinase D controls the integrity of Golgi apparatus and the maintenance of dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons. Mol. Biol. Cell

Haditsch U, Leone DP, Farinelli M, Chrostek-Grashoff A, Brakebusch A, Mansuy IM, McConnell SK and Palmer T (2009). A central role for the small GTPase Rac1 in hippocampal plasticity and spatial learning and memory. Mol. Cell. Neurosci

Vicentini E, Arban R, Angelici O, Maraia G, Perico M, Mugnaini M, Ugolini A, Large C, Domenici E, Gerrard P, Bortner D, Mansuy IM, Mangiarini L and Merlo-Pich E (2009). Transient forebrain overexpression of CRF induces plasma corticosterone and mild behavioural changes in adult conditional CRF transgenic mice. Pharm. Biochem. Behav

Baumgärtel K, Genoux D, Welzl H, Tweedie-Cullen RY, Koshibu K, Livingstone-Zatchev M, Mamie C and Mansuy IM (2008). Control of the establishment of aversive memory by calcineurin and Zif268. Nature. Neurosci. 

Hédou GF, Koshibu K Farinelli M, Kilic E, Gee CE, Kilic U, Baumgärtel K, Herman D and Mansuy IM (2008). Protein phosphatase 1-dependent bidirectional synaptic plasticity controls ischemic recovery in the adult brain. J. Neurosci

Knobloch M and Mansuy IM (2008). Dendritic spine loss and synaptic alterations in Alzheimer's disease. Mol. Neurobiol

Graeff J and Mansuy IM (2008). Epigenetic codes in cognition and behavior. Brain Behav. Rev.

Jakobsson J, Coredero MI, Bisaz R, Groner AC, Busskamp V, Bensadoun JC, Cammas F, Losson R, Mansuy IM, Sandi C and Trono D (2008). KAP1-mediated epigenetic repression in the forebrain modulates behavioral vulnerability to stress. Neuron.

Papadopoulos T, Eulenburg V, Reddy-Alla S, Mansuy IM, Li Y and Betz H (2008). Collybistin is required for both the formation and maintenance of GABAergic postsynapses in the hippocampus. Mol.Cell. Neurosci.

Herzog CJ, Miot S, Mansuy IM, Dumas S, Giros B and Tzavara ET (2008). Chronic valproate normalizes behavior in mice overexpressing calcineurin. Eur. J. Pharmacol.

Munton RP*, Tweedie-Cullen R*, Livingstone-Zatchej M*, Weinandy F, Waidelich M, Longo D, Gehrig P, Potthast F, Rutishauser D, Gerrits B, Panse C, Schlapbach R and Mansuy IM (2007). Qualitative and quantitative analyses of protein phosphorylation in naïve and stimulated mouse synaptosomal preparations. Mol. Cell. Proteomics.

Knobloch M*, Farinelli M*, Konietzko U, Nitsch RM and Mansuy IM (2007). A/beta oligomer-mediated LTP impairment involves PP1-dependent mechanisms. J. Neurosci

Tweedie-Cullen RY, Wollscheid B, Livingstone-Zatchej M and Mansuy IM (2007). Neuroproteomics and the detection of regulatory phosphosites. Cur. Proteomics.

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Baumgärtel K, Fernandez C, Johansson T and Mansuy IM (2007). Conditional transgenesis and recombination to study the mechanisms of brain plasticity and memory. Handb. of Exp. Pharmacol.

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Jouvenceau A, Hédou G, Potier B, Kollen M, Dutar P and Mansuy IM (2006). Partial inhibition of PP1 alters bidirectional synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. Eur. J. Neurosci

Mansuy IM and Shenolikar S (2006). Protein serine/threonine phosphatases in neuronal plasticity and disorders of learning and memory. Trends Neurosci

Michalon A, Koshibu K, Baumgärtel K, Spirig D and Mansuy IM (2005). Inducible and neuron-specific gene expression in the adult mouse brain with the rtTA2S-M2 system. Genesis.

Gee C and Mansuy IM (2005). Protein phosphatases and their potential implication in neuroprotection. Cell. Mol. Life Sci.

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Yang Y, Fisher QS, Zhang Y, Baumgärtel K, Mansuy IM and Daw NW (2005). Reversible blockade of experience-dependent plasticity by calcineurin in the mouse visual cortex. Nat. Neurosci.

Alagarsamy S, Saugstad J, Warren L, Mansuy IM, Gereau RW 4th and Conn PJ (2005). NMDA-induced potentiation of mGluR5 is mediated by activation of protein phosphatase 2B/calcineurin. Neuropharmacology.

Biala G, Betancur C, Mansuy IM and Giros B (2005). The reinforcing effects of chronic d-amphetamine and morphine are impaired in a line of memory-deficient mice overexpressing calcineurin. Eur. J. Neurosci.

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Mansuy IM (2004). A constraint on cAMP signaling. Neuron.

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Mansuy IM (2002). STEPping into position: A new player in the NMDA receptor game. Mol. Interv. 2, 282-284.

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Bach ME, Barad M, Son H, Zhuo M, Lu YF, Shih R, Mansuy IM, Hawkins RD and Kandel ER (1999). Age-related defects in spatial memory are correlated with defects in the late phase of hippocampal long-term potentiation in vitro and are attenuated by drugs that enhance the cAMP signaling pathway. PNAS.

Zhuo M, Zhang W, Son H, Mansuy IM, Sobel RA, Seidman J and Kandel ER (1999). A selective role of calcineurin aalpha in synaptic depotentiation in hippocampus.  PNAS.

Mansuy IM, Mayford M and Kandel ER (1999). Regulated temporal and spatial expression of mutants of CaMKII and calcineurin with the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA) and reverse tTA (rtTA) systems. In Handbook of Molecular-Genetic Techniques for Brain and Behavior Research. Vol. 13. Edited by Crusio W.M., Gerlai R.T. Elsevier.

Mansuy IM, Mayford M, Jacob B, Kandel ER and Bach ME (1998). Restricted and regulated overexpression reveals calcineurin as a key component in the transition from short-term to long-term memory. Cell

Winder DG*, Mansuy IM*, Osman M, Moallem TM and Kandel ER (1998). Genetic and pharmacological evidence for a novel, intermediate phase of long-term potentiation suppressed by calcineurin. Cell

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Mansuy IM (1998). Une approche génétique de la plasticité synaptique et des processus d'apprentissage et de mémoire. Médecine/Sciences.

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Luthi A, Van der Putten H, Botteri FM, Mansuy IM, Meins M, Frey U, Sansig G, Portet C, Schmutz M, Schroeder M, Nitsch C, Laurent JP and Monard D (1997). Endogenous serine protease inhibitor modulates epileptic activity and hippocampal long-term potentiation. J Neurosci. 

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Mansuy IM, van der Putten H, Schmid P, Meins M, Botteri FM and Monard D (1993). Variable and multiple expression of Protease Nexin-1 during mouse organogenesis and nervous system development. Development.

Botteri FM, Mansuy IM, Meins M, Mondadori C, Sansig G, Sauer D, Van der Putten H and Monard D (1993). Expression of glia-derived nexin in transgenic and non-transgenic mice.  Experientia 50, 388.

Botteri FM, Mansuy IM, Mondadori C, Sansig G, Van der Putten H and Monard D (1992). Tissue-specific and high level expression of the glia-derived nexin gene in transgenic mice. Experientia 49, 549.

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